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Advanced mining machinery pays attention to advanced crushing and grinding machine

timeFeb 14,2012

Recently, in order to speed up the reconstruction, all sectors now has a higher requirements to the performance of large mechanical equipments used in the construction. Thus, the development of the mining equipment has gradually shifted to develop and research high tech crusher and grinding mill.

As one of the mining machinery manufacturer walking in the forefront of science and technology, Henan Hongxing has its own special insights on the research and development of new products. We think that the quality of the high tech crusher hammer is the key to the development of a crusher.

Take the crusher used in cement industry as an example, the working environment of crusher in cement industry is relatively bad, which need hammer with strong wear resistance. As with the traditional crusher equipment, because the poor quality of the hammer, it needs to be replaced regularly. The key of research and develop high tech crusher is to improve the wear resistance of the hammer and to reduce the cost of the maintenance. When customers choosing a crusher equipment they mainly pay attention to the service life of hammer, stability in use and whether it is easy to break and so on.

Advanced crusher hammer is generally made by hadifield steel of good toughness, high resistance, which can cushion the impact strength and increase the wear resistance. In addition, the design of the hammer structure is also the emphasis. The geometry design of a hammer are closely to the elimination of the impact force, the effect is obvious especially for the hammer of large thickness and size.

Additionally, Henan Hongxing also believe the gap problem is important, the gap mainly refers to the gap between the rotor body and a back plate and the hammer. The size of the gap is related to the blocking material problem, once there exists blocking materials, it would exacerbate the wear of the hammer. So it is necessary to design a good gap size.

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